App Reviews

Auto Click Apps for iPhone from Cydia? Here’s a Trick!


Everyday, I will read the latest update on Cydia as well as some interesting Cydia apps. Today, I found something interesting while I am reading a Cydia related forum. A forum member asked if there are any Cydia tweaks that automatically tapped his iPhone screen for him in a preset interval. The desired app must be able to help him to tap or click on certain button at certain time whenever he wants. In other words, it is something like auto tap apps or auto clicker. Hahaha, well, that’s my first reaction after reading this so-called “request”. Once again, this has shown human are getting lazier with all sorts of technology.

My mind flashes a few times after I stop laughing. Auto click apps for Cydia? Wait… Seems like there is something we can do to create auto click or auto tap for iPhone. Now I realize the lazy forumer isn’t dreaming. It can be created with the help of an amazing app from Cydia store called Veency. For those who are lazy and would like to make your iPhone to memorize a certain sequence of taps (for example, tap on unlock->setting->turn on FB->Update current location), the tricks here will work very well for you.

Step 1: Well, I assume you already have your iDevice jailbroken with Cydia installed. First of all, launch your Cydia, search for Veency and download it. There won’t be any icon appear at your home screen so don’t get frustrated and thought you haven’t download it.


Step 2: Download a VNC viewer program to your local computer (either you Mac, desktop, or laptop). There are a few popular VNC softwares in the market and any of them will work. You may try for Splashtop for Mac and RealVNC for windows. Please note that the default Screen Sharing VNC Client in Apple is not compatible with Veency.

Step 3: The third thing to download is a Auto-Clicker software. Anyone will work and you may use Free Mouse Auto Clicker, PhraseExpress, Ghost Mouse, or GS Auto Clicker.

Step 4: Launch your VNC viewer and enter the IP address on your iDevice into it. Your iDevice will be prompted a message asking you to accept the connection. Tap on the Yes.

Step 5: Now you should be able to see your iDevice screen in your computer through VNC viewer.

Step 6: Launch Auto-Clicker and you can now set any sequence of clicks you want with your mouse and they can be replay anytime you want.

In conclusion, all you need is an app from Cydia called Veency, a VNC viewer, and a Auto-Clicker software to create auto taps in any jailbroken iDevices. It works very well for me but be patience because VNC is not a fast protocol.


3 replies on “Auto Click Apps for iPhone from Cydia? Here’s a Trick!”

I get it to work, but GS Clicker ( or any other auto clicker) does not click the buttons on my Iphone, just the desktop. Anyone know how to fix that?