If you are tired to convert all the video to MP4 before playing them on your iPhone, this is probably the best iPhone Video Player for you. With just less than $3 dollar, you can get GoodPlayer app at AppStore. Although there are many free video player apps out there but this is one app that worth to pay $2.99. Why? This is because GoodPlayer can play all kinds of video and media files including AVI, Xvid, Divx, DAT, VOB, FLV, WMV ,MKV, MP4, RM, RMVB, AC3, and others. These files can be streamed directly on iOS devices.
How to buy or download it? Got to AppStore from your iPhone, search for “GoodPlayer” and select it. Follow the steps to purchase it and it will be loaded to your phone in less than a minute.
How use GoodPlayer? It is very simple in order to use GoodPlayer. You can transfer the video files to your iPhone by iTunes File Sharing or over Wi-Fi, then it can be played through GoodPlayer directly. Simple, easy, and beautiful.
There are hundreds of iPhone video player apps out there but I found this is the most affordable and best to use. I guess I am not the only one rate this app the best. GoodPlayer was ranked top 1 paid app in some other countries including France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Spain, and Sri Lanka.
- Swipe up or down on video to turn on and off subtitle easily.
- Swipe left or right on video to quickly change the audio track.
- File streaming over HTTP, FTP, RTSP, MMS, MMSH, MMST, RTP, and UDP.
- File transfer via FTP. This feature is good for webmaster or iPhone user who always need to access their web server through FTP.
- Supports TV output, VGA output, and HDMI TV-out allows you to connect your iPhone to TV easily.
- Lots of encoded subtitle is supported.
- You can also adjust the subtitle font size and font color.
- Video and audio files can be opened directly from email attachments and Safari web browser.
- iPad 2, new iPad, and iPhone 4S is supported. Pay $2.99 once and it can be used on all the iDevices.

Some other great video players for iPhone within the same price range that I also preferred are: AVPlayer ($2.99), BUZZ Player ($1.99), CineXPlayer ($1.99), and OPlayer (2.99). Please leave a comment here whether you like GoodPlayer or not.